Policy Document

Nappy Changing and Toileting

Policy Statement

 No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent. We work with parents/carers towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time. We make necessary adjustments to our bathroom provision and hygiene practice in order to accommodate children who are not yet toilet trained. We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults. All children are treated with dignity, care and compassion during nappy changing/toileting. Staff will ensure this time is relaxed and never make negative comments about nappy/potty/toilet contents.


Children are changed as and when necessary - not at set times. But we will adhere to parent/carers wishes and children’s routines. 

Young children from two years should wear ‘pull ups’ or other types of trainer pants as soon as they are comfortable with this and their parents/carers agree.

Only staff members with Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Enhanced Disclosure clearance will undertake nappy changing/toileting duties.  

Changing areas are warm and there are safe areas to lay young children if they need to have their bottoms cleaned. 

Nappy cream can be applied if supplied by the parent/carer and with written agreement.

A Health Care Plan will be drawn up and updated after every application. 

Gloves and aprons are put on before changing starts and the areas are prepared. 

 All staff are familiar with the hygiene procedures and carry these out when changing nappies. 

All bodily waste is disposed of in the special nappy bin in the bathroom, which is emptied regularly and removed weekly by Spelthorne Council

In addition, key persons ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote independence in young children. 

 Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet. They may just want to sit on it and talk to a friend who is also using the toilet. 

They should be encouraged to wash their hands and have soap and towels/hand dryer to hand. They should be allowed time for some play as they explore the water and the soap. 

Anti-bacterial hand wash liquid or soap should not be used for young children. Young skin is quite delicate and anti-bacterial products kill off certain good bacteria that children need to develop their own natural resistance to infection. A sensitive hand wash is provided. 

Key persons are gentle when changing. They avoid pulling faces and making negative comment about ‘nappy contents’. 

 Key persons do not make inappropriate comments about young children’s genitals when changing their nappies 

Older children access the toilet when they have the need to and are encouraged to be independent. 

 Nappies and ’pull ups’ are disposed of hygienically. Any soil (faeces) in nappies or pull ups is flushed down the toilet and the nappy or pull up is bagged and put in the bin. Cloth nappies, trainer pants and ordinary pants that have been wet or soiled are rinsed and bagged for the parent to take home. 

 The changing mat is wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes/spray after each nappy change. NB If young children are left in wet or soiled nappies/’pull ups’ in the setting this may constitute neglect and will be a disciplinary matter. 

The setting has a ‘duty of care’ towards children’s personal needs.

We ask parents/carers to provide:

Spare nappies 

Wet wipes 

 Change of clothes/undergarments 

 Nappy cream (if appropriate) 

Nappy sacks