Policy statement
Children learn about the natural world, its animals and other living creatures, as part of the Learning and Development Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This may include contact with animals, or other living creatures, either in the setting or on visits. We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.
Animals in the setting as pets
We take account of the views of parents and children when selecting an animal or creature to keep as a pet in the setting, as well as any allergies or issues that individual children may have any animals or creatures.
We carry out a risk assessment with a knowledgeable person accounting for any hygiene or safety risks posed by the animal or creature.
We provide suitable housing for the animal or creature and ensure this is cleaned out regularly and is kept safely.
Our staff are knowledgeable of the pet’s welfare and dietary needs and ensure that the correct food is offered, at the right times.
We make arrangements for weekend and holiday care for the animal or creature.
We register with the local vet and take out appropriate pet care health insurance.
We make sure all vaccinations and other regular health measures, such as de-worming, are up-to-date and recorded.
We teach children the correct handling and care of the animal or creature and supervise them at all times.
We ensure that children wash their hands after handling the animal or creature and do not have contact with animal soil or soiled bedding.
We wear disposable gloves when cleaning housing or handling soiled bedding.
If animals or creatures are brought into the grounds of the setting on collection or drop off
The setting ask that no animal is brought into the setting past the outside green gates. This reduces the risk of accidents or causing anxiety to other children/staff/parents that are not as comfortable around animals as others. If you are dropping/collecting your child alone accompanied by and animal the staff will gladly help you they can collect or bring your child to the gate if you let us know you need assistance.